It is quite likely that, at some time, ye have been in a loft, or at least seen one in pictures. A loft is characterized by very large spaces and not separated by partitions. The loft is a style trend in decoration and interior.
If you want some ideas to turn your ordinary living room loft one, you count how.
The first step is the only investment that requires a professional workforce. They are tearing down the walls that separate your adjoining room stays. Having done this, can you to have the strange feeling of too much space, but of course, still a part of decorating before that you have a genuine loft living!
In the loft, as there are no walls in the way, or at most, there are means partitions , stay zones are delimited visually. The truth is primarily used two types of tricks to achieve this. Then you talk about them.
The first ideas to separate spaces in a loft room are the furniture. For example, sofas, wardrobe, library shelves or furniture can serve you for a boundary between areas of the same. If you will not go for this method, or you want to combine it with another, there is another possibility, that of playing with colors. It is just as easy and effective as the first, so just need you to have your color preferences clear.
Specifically, the technique of color-separation zone is applied by painting the walls of different colors, and leaving each of the parts decorative elements to be set. In these ways, even without walls in between, at first, perceive a clear difference between the spaces that make up your "new" home stay. Now you can say you've got to put a loft in your homes!
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