Saturday, November 9, 2013

Through the hangers we renovate and decorate the inside of our closets. Following are some practical tips to get the interiors of the cabinets are colorful and are up to date, well organized and tidy.

The racks of the stores are a real treat especially when compared with our closets, cluttered and visually usually small because of the large amount of clothes we have. In addition, to this the fact that in stores routinely hangers are the same model and material, metal, plastic or wood and in general people, myself included, tend to accumulate the hangers that gives us in stores and dry cleaners or just go buying them from time to time and each time a different type.

The first thing we have to do is try all the hangers are the same, no matter the shape or material, only that they are the same model. This will bring harmony and homogeneity inside the closet . Depending on the material chosen will result either. Wood brings warmth classicism, while plastic can be more casual and give a more metal industry. This will depend on your tastes and the amount of money you please invest, but the difference between having all the same hangers or not notice much and the end result is great.

If you do not like the racks in their original form or you seem boring, the second thing you can do is customize them or changing their appearance. To carry out this idea, the best alternative is wooden hangers, as they are usually wider and the material is much more grateful when being treated. We can paint them a flat color and trend, pastel green or emerald, with a spray paint. Something simpler is decorate with a lyric or phrase that we like, writing it directly on the rack, or cover them with fabric or patterned paper.

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