Thursday, November 7, 2013

Then we help you take the trend of decorating with slate through small and simple suggestions that will make this style to delve into your interior spaces.

Technique typically decorate blackboard paint was conducted on appliances and furniture doors and also in walls generally on large surfaces. Keep in mind that the tone of this painting, very dark and black, can reduce the perception of light and space of our stays, especially if our homes are not very large. So from Bloginteriorismo we propose to apply this method of decoration with small pieces of interior accessories and help us take this trend.

Through these decorative pieces we include in our decorations this style, a style that beautifies while our rooms also provides functionality and practicality, as it gives us the opportunity to reuse these types of elements to be able to write and delete messages and motives.

The first idea is to paint a flat surface and frame with a frame to our liking and to continue our decor, which offers the possibility of having a kind of bulletin board trend. Frames vintage or classic style go well with this proposal, contributing to the final result is very avant-garde.

It is also possible to decorate with this type of chalkboard paint cans lids have for home decorative. In this way we can write what they contain inside or the owner's name, for example, to finish the style object. The advantage of this method is that we can erase the name or picture when the lifeboat change.

Finally, and to me the most original idea is to coat the back of a chair for the outdoor area, which allows a correct distribution of the table when we have guests without having to resort to cards on the table. We just have to write the name of the guests in chairs with chalk and voila! already know where to sit.


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