Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Sometimes it happens that, when a house is not very big, you run the risk that certain rooms give an impression of being too small. If that happens in a classroom, the result can be disastrous.

However, you need not worry. In this article we will give tips to enhance and decorate a small room seem larger way.

There are countless and interior decorating tricks that can be used to maximize space in a room and fool the eye so that it appear larger than it is. If you have a small living room, you can valeros of them, and so you will feel more comfortable with the result and you can brag about it when you have visitors at home.

For starters, the decor colors have a very important role. Bet on white or other light and pastel colors, is one of the basic tricks to simulate wider.

In addition to applying this type of colors on walls and furniture, also have to try to optimize the available space. For that, to throw off all furniture and objects that are dispensable in the lounge. If you have carpet and table are great, ideally replace a coffee table and a small carpet that covers the bottom of the table only. Another key to optimize the space is furniture with multiple uses and spaces. Instead of having a lot of stuff going on out there, a shelf, or cabinet with shelves and drawers library, will allow you to have everything picked up and save space.

The choice of objects when decorating, affect much in a small room. If you want to get your room seem more spacious, with cushions that are apostad small - and flashy colors that add variety to the pastel colored, wall and furniture - and, if possible, add a mirror, because when someone enters your room, have a greater sense of depth because of it. Finally, a small lamp that sheds light on an interesting point, draw attention to it, and people will not notice so much the size of the room. We hope you have been useful these decorating tips and optimization!


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