Monday, November 11, 2013

Our shelves are filled with books and a solution to support them is to put a bookend that besides this role can get to decorate and give originality to our shelves. Then some examples of how these supplements can become true decorative pieces.

The weight of the books do not occupy makes the whole rack tipping. A solution that you will have used many, including myself, to solve this problem is to put a figure or something similar to make a stop. However, in many cases this does not work, either because the figure does not have the shape or weight enough to hold all books that we have accumulated. Luckily, decorating offers bookends that in addition to this function, beautify our shelves and rooms.

The first idea is Modcloth. This is a shaped bookends made ​​of white resin mermaid. The finish simulates the wood frame, providing the warmth and texture of this material to look like one of the mermaid shaped sculptures that were carved on the bow of the pirate ships. It is a good choice if the decor of your home is the sailor trend.

The following proposal is more serious and classic. Maison du Monde offers this baroque bookends much like scrolls found in the top of the columns or the moldings typical of this era. It is an alternative to support and hold the books on the shelves in those romantic stays.

 Something more modern is the complement throwing Vinçon. Arrow-shaped and with a strong red color, this element provides latest trend modernity and our shelves. The interesting thing about this design is that the arrows seem to be stuck in books. The trick lies in a metal support in the form of "L" that gets inside volumes and magnetic tip of the arrow that means it can hold it.


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